When you watch live, you not only enjoy all the warts but you get a nice image of the record cover, info on group name, track title and release. You also see a pretty video behind some blokes gob.
THE LIVE SHOW: His face only pops up now and again. Imagine how awful it would be to watch him throughout the show trying to look interesting and fashionable as the music plays.
LITTLE DAVE: Looking strangely like Jim Kerr in a pram outside the family home in Camel Road, Silvertown [1963]
BIG DAVE: In his jungle prime, everything worked properly, employed by Network South East as a passenger guard. Having bought the latest 7" purchase from the record shop in Greenwich that had a girl in there who looked like a taller Amelia. Curiously it was always full of young indie men, some of them with very daft haircuts, not buying any records. [1988]
WHAT HE SEES: Not too complicated. OBS Studio for live streaming and recording, iTunes as a music player (it's a long sad story), a Stream Deck for fancy effects (not many) and just that nagging feeling that the live show is either not streaming, not recording, buffering or otherwise compromised. Confidence is just one step away from debilitating nervous panic.
OLD DAVE: Things not working, things having dropped off, aches becoming limps. Now invisible to the opposite sex at bus stops and football matches. Youth is wasted on the young.